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Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

Joshua Lynn:
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Joshua Lynn (born December 14, 1969, in Santa Barbara, California) was Santa Barbara County Deputy Chief Justice Santa Barbara, California from 2008 to 2010. She is the lead lawyer in the trial of Jesse James Hollywood, who was sentenced and sentenced to life imprisonment on February 5, 2010.

Video Joshua Lynn


Lynn received a B.A. from the University of California at Santa Cruz and J.D. from the University of San Diego School of Law. He was a deputy district attorney for 14 years and was promoted to Vice-Chief Justice for the District of South Santa Barbara in 2008. He served as District Attorney when the District Attorney was elected, Christie Stanley was unable to serve for a long time due to illness. As Deputy Chief Justice, Lynn oversees criminal operations, all prosecutions and all deputy district prosecutors in the District of South Santa Barbara. He began his career as a prosecutor at the Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office in 1996. After leading the Domestic Violence unit, he was assigned to gangs, three strikes, and serious crimes cases. He has taught the Ultimate Proof at Santa Barbara Law School. Lynn received the Thomas Guerry Award in 2006. Lynn is currently a partner at Lynn & amp; O'Brien, LLP.

Maps Joshua Lynn

Trial in Hollywood

Prosecutors claimed that Hollywood kidnapped Nicholas Markowitz on August 6, 2000, from the street near his home, and two days later, in an attempt to cover up the kidnapping, ordered his friends to kill the boy. Even though Hollywood is far from where the murder when it happened, Lynn's duty is to prove that Hollywood is just as guilty as the guy who pulls the trigger. The fact that the court happened nine years after the murder, added to the difficulty of prosecution against Hollywood. Hollywood was defended by James Blatt, winner of Court Attorney from the Los Angeles Court in 2005. Lynn replaces deputy district attorney Ronald J. Zonen, who has been expelled from the case because prosecutors have shared secret files with film producers.

Beginning of the Trial, May 15, 2009

Deputy District Attorney Joshua Lynn called Hollywood the mastermind behind the crime.

Hollywood kills Nicholas Markowitz "as he pulls his own trigger," Lynn said. "The evidence will show that Mr. Hollywood is a cruel coward."

Holding a large photo of Nicholas, Lynn told the jury of nine women and three men, the victim was a troubled teenager trying to find her place in life while smoking marijuana and fighting with her parents.

Prosecutors argue that Nicholas was kidnapped by Hollywood and his followers in August 2000, just a few blocks from his home to pressure his half brother, Ben Markowitz, to pay back the money he earned from Hollywood for drugs.

Lynn presents a schedule around the crime and says she plans to summon witnesses who will testify about Hollywood's role. He also said that Hollywood provided a gun that killed Nicholas and the car was used to drive him to the grave.

Hollywood, whose sole job is selling marijuana, decided to get rid of Nicholas after learning from a lawyer that he could face life in prison for kidnapping, prosecutors said.

Lynn likens Hollywood to a football offensive coordinator who sits away from the field and calls the drama. Hollywood dined with her boyfriend at a steak restaurant in the Los Angeles area while Nicholas was killed and buried, prosecutors said.

Prosecution June 24, 2009

District Attorney Joshua Lynn raised 8 to 10 photos for the defendant. The picture is a school portrait of a sleepy-eyed boy with brown hair and a sideways smile.

"Who is this picture?" Lynn asks Jesse James Hollywood, who took a position in defense this week.

"It's a picture of Nicholas Markowitz," said Hollywood.

"Are you aware that for three hours of direct examination today you rarely mention Nick's name?" Lynn asked.

Hollywood stammered. Lynn continued, "This is what Nick looks like." Throughout cross-examination, Lynn made sure to just refer Nick to her in the past and she made sure Hollywood did the same.

Hollywood is the first witness to defense. His testimony, quite clearly, is meant to present a narrative for his case. Instead of being a drug dalang who demanded revenge on Ben Markowitz by kidnapping and killing Ben's brother, Nick, Hollywood described himself as a passive observer of violence. Hollywood maintains that when he and three others attack Nick and "drive" him into the van, he has no further plans to physically harm Nick. And even though the gun used to kill Nick belongs to Hollywood, he is not present to use. In this version, the capture of slap-dash and the murder of Nick Markowitz in the mountains was made and done by the Hollywood crew.

Lynn asked how much power Hollywood used when she clamped it with a tree, while her previously punished colleague William Skidmore and Jesse Rugge punched Nick's stomach before they threw him in the van.

Hollywood explains that he has to use a large amount of power because "Nick is taller than me."

"Nick's taller than you, he's taller than you, Mr. Hollywood," Lynn said.

Lynn's question was controlled, methodical, and unrelenting. He challenged Hollywood to make a definitive statement about "decision making." Lynn insists that Hollywood determines whether she believes every action she takes "is a good idea or a bad idea."

Hollywood replied with the same answer several times: "That's a stupid idea."

Judge Brian Hill interrupted, unpredictably. "You do not testify how you feel right now," he said. "You gave testimony about what you felt at the time."

Hollywood argues that it was because Ben Markowitz had smashed the windows of his West Hills home that he was motivated to drive by Markowitz's house. According to Hollywood, he's looking for a confrontation with Ben. "It was the straw that broke the camel's back," he said.

Instead they found Nick.

Throughout his testimony, Hollywood has been careful not to use the words "kidnapping" or "killing." He consistently refers to the crimes he alleges against "the situation" or "the incident." Lynn tries to dismantle Hollywood's benign language. When Hollywood would not budge, Lynn sadly adopted the Hollywood description. Lynn calls Nick's kidnapping as "the event that caused Nick to be escorted to the van." Some jurors grinned.

Closing Statement July 1, 2009

Calling Jesse James Hollywood a "child killer" and "thug king," Santa Barbara County Deputy Chief Justice Josh Lynn yesterday made the closing remarks in a manslaughter trial.

Facing a jury of nine women and three men, the prosecutor asked for justice, saying the case was not about the defendant, but about a 15-year-old Jewish boy named Nicholas Markowitz, who is likely to be alive today. if not for the chance to meet Hollywood.

"There is only one mountain of evidence against Mr. Hollywood and justice has been waiting for nine years," said Lynn, chief prosecutor. "I'll urge you to bring Mr. Hollywood into his new status as a kidnapper and killer of convicted children... Kill him."

In a three-and-a-half-hour closing statement, Lynn, backed by a PowerPoint presentation, combed most of the witness testimonies presented during the six-week trial, including those from Hollywood, which, over a four-day period, delivered a first-hand, the murder.

The only problem with the Hollywood version, Lynn said, was that the defendant was lying.

"She looked into your eyes and she lied to your face," he told the jury.

Although Lynn discusses a number of topics which she thinks is being lied to by Hollywood, one of the easiest to trace is a statement made by a defendant directly opposed to the testimony of another witness...

While prosecutors say Hollywood paid Hoyt to kill Nicholas, he also reportedly asked his friend Jesse Rugge to kill the boy with $ 2,000.

This testimony was delivered by Graham Pressley, who was found guilty of second-degree murder for his role in the murder. On August 8, Pressley said Rugge told him about the invitation. He said Rugge promised he would not hurt Nicholas and call Hollywood "crazy."

While the jury will eventually decide who is telling the truth, Lynn wonders why so many witnesses will, for no apparent reason, lie to Hollywood.

"Why is he standing here and lying about these things?" the prosecutor asked about Saulsbury. "What is his motive for everyone to stand in a chair and lie?"

Of course, many of the same witnesses that Lynn insist on telling the truth admitted lying to the authorities in the past.

Lynn argues some of the early reluctant witnesses to telling the truth were based on the cold horror implanted by Hollywood, who was then 20 years old, and run a successful marijuana operation that earns $ 10,000 in earnings per month.

Two witnesses, Pressley and Brian Affronti, both said they were told to be silent about the kidnappings and the killings.

At a barbecue event on Aug. 13, Pressley said he was told by Rugge to do the clam, and was asked if he would be "accountable". Asked Lynn why initially she lied to the police, Pressley said she was scared of Hollywood.

Although Hollywood is far from murder when it happens, Lynn says she is just as guilty as Hoyt, who was convicted of murder and was on death row at San Quentin State Prison.

Hollywood admitted kidnapping Nicholas, saying he saw the boy walking on the street shortly after the window in his house was damaged. Nicholas's brother Ben Markowitz, who owed $ 1,200 to the drug money at the time, had just claimed responsibility for breaking the window.

During his testimony, the defendant said he had pinned Nicholas to the tree, asking where his brother was, and with the help of a friend, "drove" the boy into the van. The group went to Santa Barbara, and about two days later, Hoyt brutally killed the boy.

Lynn said the initial kidnapping triggered a series of events that caused the boy's death. And despite witness testimony that Nicholas smoked marijuana and played video games with his captors, prosecutors said Hollywood kept control of the situation, and the boy was never free to leave.

All this, says Lynn, makes Hollywood "guilty of sin."

Before concluding, Lynn showed three horrific images of a bullet-riddled Nicholas body after being dug from a shallow grave at Lizard's mouth. The boy's parents, who had been in court almost every day at the trial, wept.

"Look at Nick Markowitz," he told the jury. "This is what's left of Nick."

src: www.standard.net


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  • https://www.noozhawk.com/article/081710_josh_lynn_opens_up_own_practice_representing_braun
  • https://www.noozhawk.com/article/061510_lynn_dismissed_from_da_office
  • http://www.lynn-obrien.com

Source of the article : Wikipedia
