Edward M. "Ed" Burke (born December 29, 1943) is a member of the city council of Chicago City 14 Ward. A member of the Democratic Party, he was first elected to the Chicago City Council in 1969, and was part of the Southwest Side of the city. Chairman of the Board of Finance Committee, Burke has been called Chicago "the most powerful alderman" by the Chicago Sun-Times. Burke was named one of "100 Most Powerful Chicagoans" by Chicago Magazine, describing him as "the last of the old Chicago Machine pols."
Burke is the longest aldermen in Chicago history. He was a leader of "Vrdolyak 29" during the first period of Mayor Harold Washington, the era of "War Council". Burke and his staff are subject to federal and local investigations, and his staff members are the target of indictments and convictions involving payroll and contracting irregularities.
Burke is a key partner in a law firm specializing in property tax appeals and that includes clients who do business with cities. Burke's wife is Illinois Supreme Court Justice, Anne M. Burke. He and his wife are foster parents and are parties to a long-running, widely-publicized custody dispute.
Video Edward M. Burke
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Burke is a lifelong Chicago resident. His father, Joseph P. Burke, was the Cook County Sheriff police who worked as a court officer. Joseph Burke served as committee of the 14th Ward (a local Democratic party post), and was elected a city council member of the 14th Ward in November 1953.
Ed Burke attends the Visitation Grammar School at the Visitation Parish in Chicago's South Side and is a 1961 graduate from Quigley Preparatory Seminary. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from DePaul University in 1965, then worked for three years as a Chicago police officer, who was assigned to a state attorney's office. In the meantime, he studied law at DePaul University College of Law. In 1968, Burke received a Juris Doctor degree, was admitted to the Illinois Bar, and married his wife, Anne Marie.
While in law school in the late 1960s, the era of escalation in the Vietnam War, Burke accepted the design of postponement as a full-time student. After his marriage and the death of his father, he applied and was given a heavy delay (3-A), as the sole support of his wife, mother, and two younger brothers. In June 1969, Illinois Selective Service advisory boards reclassified him 1-A ("available for unlimited military service"). At the same time, he was admitted to the Chicago-based Army Reserve Unit of the United States, the 363th civil service group, as a person. Political rivals expressed concern that special considerations allowed Burke to join the reserve unit in front of others, but the Army investigation found no evidence of manipulation in his favor.
Maps Edward M. Burke
Democratic Committee
Burke succeeded his father in local politics, first as a Democratic Committee and later as a board member of the 14th Ward. After an elder Burke died in the cancer office on May 11, 1968, Edward Burke took time off from his job as a policeman to succeed his father as a Democratic committee for the 14th Ward. Although not the police captain, Burke won his father's presidency in a secret ballot of 65 police commander, beating a veteran police captain with only 3 votes. At 24, Burke was the youngest person in Chicago's history to become a member of the ward committee, a position he has held since.
Chicago Alderman
The 14th Ward Democrats portrayed young Burke as a Democratic candidate in a special election called for on March 11, 1969 to fill vacancies in the City Council, including the 14th Ward. Burke faces six opponents, but wins with a majority of 11,204 votes, while the next highest candidate receives 1460 votes. After the 1971 aldermanic election, the Council approved the appointment of Burke, who was a police sergeant on leave, as chairman of the Police and Fire Committee. In 1972 and 1973, Burke joined Alderman Edward Vrdolyak in an unidentified caucus of aldermen who demanded a greater voice in municipal affairs from Mayor Richard J. Daley and chairman of the financial committee Thomas Keane. The deceased dissident labeled "Young Turks," and their caucuses are called "coffee rebellion" after drinks are served at their morning meeting. In the back room of the City Council room, Burke once threatened to beat Alderman Leon Despres in the nose if Despres is not so old.
Former city consumer affairs commissioner Jane Byrne announced his challenge to Chicago Mayor Michael Bilandic on April 24, 1978, portraying himself as an alternative to "the secret cabal of the bad guys who had been tied to the Chicago City government," and, when pressed to name them, selected Burke and Vrdolyak.
After Burke's first campaign for municipal councilors, he has been paralyzed in most of his election campaigns. In 2007, Burke faced his first opponent since 1971, a school teacher who never ran for office. A Burke supporter failed to challenge the validity of an opponent's ballot application, but the case was tied in court for most of the campaign, and Burke then won it with nearly 90 percent of the vote.
Washington Mayor's opposition leader
Burke, along with Alderman Edward Vrdolyak, a leader of "Vrdolyak 29", the majority vote of the City Council, which includes 28 white and one Puerto Rican aldermen, who opposed the newly elected Mayor Harold Washington, Chicago's first black mayor, for three years first Washington as mayor, 1983-1986, the period referred to as Council Wars. Vrdolyak, a Burke mentor, is chairman of the Democratic Party of Cook County. Vrdolyak established an alliance by expanding the number of city council committees to 29 and negotiating 29 tasks of the committee chairman. On May 2, 1983, during the first city council meeting of the Washington administration, the mayor and several council members abandoned the meeting, Vrdolyak was the President of pro tempore city council (chairman of the city council meeting when the Mayor was absent) so he continued meeting. Burke was chosen to lead a strong Financial Committee.
Burke plays a vocal role in the anti-Washington raid and is considered second to Vrdolyak in the anti-Washington caucus. Burke was sued at Cook County Circuit Court to remove Washington from office, stating that Washington lost its office by a three-week delay in proposing regular financial disclosures with deadlines set by state law. The lawsuit was dismissed. Burke asks Illinois Attorney General Neil Hartigan to seek a Washington overthrow. The request was rejected. Richard M. Daley, District Attorney Cook at the time, pleaded for unity, saying, "This personal hatred is too far away."
In the spring of 1987, in the Chicago municipal elections, Vrdolyak, rather than seeking re-election as a municipal council member, was a Solidarity Party candidate who challenged Washington as mayor. Washington won re-election, and Washington's allies won the twenty-five seat of the City Council. Burke led the opposition in the City Council, but Washington's Alderman supporter Timothy C. Evans replaced Burke as Chairman of the Financial Committee. Ousted from the staff office of the vast Financial Committee, Burke never used a relatively modest office allocated to him at City Hall instead of working in his personal law office two blocks away. In the days following the death of the Washington Mayor at the office, Burke supported Alderman Council elections Eugene Sawyer over Evans to serve as mayor. Sawyer wins, but Burke is a city council member who most often does not support the legislative agenda of Mayor Sawyer, the second black mayor of Chicago. After Richard M. Daley was elected mayor in the spring of 1989, Daley nominated Burke as Chief of Finance, a position he had held since.
The leadership of the City Council Finance Committee has been described as "No. 2 place in city government". Almost all expenditures, tax issues, and many city contracts should be recommended by the Financial Committee before they can be considered by the full Board. As Chairman of the Finance Committee, Burke controls 63 staff members and an $ 2.2 million annual budget, dwarfing the resources of other board committees. In a self-managed self-managed compensation program, the Finance Committee determines and agrees the amount of payment in defect claims. As Chairman of the Finance Committee, Burke controls the $ 1.3 million taxpayer-funded payroll account available to unexamined board members. In 2008, Burke spent the lion's share of the account, $ 70,164, more than any other board member of more than $ 26,000. Burke is also a member of the City Council committee on Aviation; Budget and Government Operations; Energy, Environmental Protection and Public Utilities; and Zoning. In addition, Burke is a member of the Chicago Planning Commission and the Economic Development Commission. He controlled three well-funded political action committees, "Friends of Edward M Burke," "The 14th Regular Democratic Organization," and "The Burnham Committee." In July 2009, Burke's campaign funding reached $ 3.7 million, higher than any other city council member and one of the largest in Illinois. The Illinois judge was elected in a partisan election, and a significant aspect of Burke's influence came from his role as chairman of the long-standing court subcommittee of the Democratic Party of Cook County.
Burke has become the main draftsman of the environmental boundary map. When Burke began his political career, the 14th ward he represented was centered in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, more than a mile and a half east of it now. The 14th ward is a gerrymandered area whose shape has been described as "like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle". With each new ward map, drawn every 10 years, its boundaries have been moved further west. In 2010, the boundaries were extended from 39th Street south to 59th and from Western Avenue west to Cicero Avenue, including most of Brighton Park, Gage Park and Archer Heights. The ethnic composition of the ward has changed dramatically during Burke's tenure at office. By 1968, the population was mostly Polish or other Eastern European extraction, but in 2010 had a large Mexican and Mexican-American population.
Burke retained the pay-tax-paying staff to write his speeches, resolutions, and non-fiction works, including Thomas J. O'Gorman, carrying the payroll of Burke City Council staff as "legislative assistant" since 1995. In October 2006, Burke and O'Gorman publish End of Watch , a book detailing the lives and tragedies of police officers who died in duty. Also, Burke and R. Craig Sautter publish the book Inside Wigwam: The Chicago President Convention 1860-1996 . Under Burke's direction, the staff of the Financial Committee gathered historical exhibits at City Hall and drafted a resolution of honor for a special visitor to Chicago or a recently-dead American and Chicago. Burke was named "Best Orator at City Hall" in Chicago's "Chicago Reader" special edition "Best of Chicago 2010".
Payroll Ghost on Burke's staff
The Burke Finance Committee's employment practices were under the supervision of local and federal investigations for ghostly payroll violations in local government and resulted in several indictments and convictions.
Marie D'Amico, daughter of Alderman Anthony Laurino of the 39th Chicago Ward, pleaded guilty to having collected tens of thousands of dollars in unemployed work between 1981 and 1994 from three separate public institutions: Cook County sheriff, Cook County clerk, and City Council Finance Committee while Burke is chairman. Burke denied knowing D'Amico rarely appeared to work. Burke said the chairman of the Financial Committee's investigators, who had died in 1994, "seems cheated" with D'Amico to bring D'Amico on the payroll, encouraging Chicago Sun-Times editorial, "Dead Men Can Wear The lines. "D'Amico was the first indictment in what became a federal investigation of the ghost payroll known as Operation Haunted Hall. In January 1995, the grand jury Operation Haunted Hall subpoena personnel records of three City Council Committees: Finance, Budget, and Traffic.
Long time Burke's alien secretary worked full-time at Burke's attorney's office in downtown, even though his salary was paid by the city. The secretary was summoned by the Grand Jury Operation Haunted Hall. Alderman Joe Moore asked, "Why is he at the law firm? It looks bad, it gives the impression that he may not only work in the city but also the law firm." A lawyer for the Financial Committee said, "I do not need to explain why he's at the law firm. [Burke] need not explain.He does not matter where he sits... He's a city employee and he does city work." The secretary moved to the Hall City.
The Burke law firm has hired Joseph A. Martinez, a real estate tax appeal lawyer, as a full-time partner since about 1977, when in 1981 Mayor Jane Byrne appointed Martinez to replace Ward who resigned, Ward Alderman Chester Kuta. Martinez serves the remainder of the Kuta term but refuses to run again when the environmental commissioner supports a challenger. Between 1985 and 1992, Martinez received a salary and allowance of $ 91,000 to do little or no work for the City Council committee, and was subjected to Operation Haunted Hall. In April 1995, after a federal court call personnel committee record, Martinez returned $ 91,000, sending cash to City Hall in three installments. He was indicted and found guilty on January 23, 1997. In his defense treaty, he admitted he was a ghost overseer on the City Council committee, beginning with the Finance Committee in 1987, and said that he was employed in every committee job "in order to receive insurance health ". Martinez's lawyers say Burke is getting Martinez's job because Burke's law firm does not provide health insurance. In a statement, Burke wrote, "A memorandum filed in the case of Mr. Martinez [has] declared that I participated in a scheme that brought these charges up.This allegation is untrue I have made no mistake in relation to this matter." Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Mike Royko writes, "You would think that smart people like Burke - whose father is an environmental boss and a councilman - would know better..."
Burke is the secretary of the company security company SDI Security, Inc. not long after it was formed in 1989 to 1994. Burke hired SDI President Michael A. Pedicone, as an outside lawyer for the Financial Committee. SDI is owned by 11th ward Alderman Patrick Huels, chairman of the Board Transport Committee, and floor leader Mayor Richard M. Daley, as well as Huels' wife and brother. The federal grand jury announced the financial and disclosure statements of Burke and Huels' campaign ethics, and the Pedicone bill. The Illinois Attorney and Discrimination Commission, Illinois, the state agency that regulates the behavior of lawyers in Illinois, investigates Burke and summons all records of SDI from the Illinois Professional Regulatory Department. At the end of December 1997, a grand jury organized by the State Prosecutor's Office of Cook signed a notice of expenditure on SDI from the Financial Transport Committee of Burke and Huels, renowned for local prosecutors rarely investigating local politicians. In a memo for aldermen, Burke writes, "He [Pedicone] is not a ghost payer," and Pedicone has been paid about $ 490,000 for eight years for handling more than 450 cases of disability claims. Huels' resignation was the first public corruption scandal of Daley's first two terms, and the editorial called for Burke's resignation as well.
At a verdict for a Chicago lawyer, a federal agent testified that the lawyer said that his job with Burke's Finance Committee only took four hours a week, even though he was paid full-time. On January 8, 1998, the federal prosecutor at Operation Haunted Hall indicted other Chicago lawyers to collect $ 9,223 in wages and allowances from the Finance Committee in 1991 and 1992 despite making little or no work at all.
Burke hired criminal defense lawyer Anton Valukas, a former US lawyer and partner at law firm Jenner and Block, to represent him. Burke was not accused of making a mistake in the investigation. In 1999, Operation Haunted Hall produced 34 guilty pleas, one faith after trial, and one release.
On 4 December 2008, Illinois State Representative Robert S. Molaro resigned after serving about 15 years in the state legislature, and was eligible to receive a public pension of approximately $ 64,000 per year based on the 85% standard of his annual salary of approximately $ 75,000. Burke hired a new $ 12,000 Molaro retiree for a month to write a 19-page white paper on Chicago's under-funded pension. When Molaro officially retired on January 1, 2009, his salary pensions were annualized at $ 144,000, almost double the pension. On August 16, 2012, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed a bill limiting state obligations when former state legislators supported their country's pension with short-term employment with cities, counties and other local governments.
Legal client with city business
In 2007, although one of the eight members of the city council became a lawyer, only Burke revealed a legal client who was a local government contractor. Burke has 37 legal clients that do business with cities or other local government agencies, according to his annual ethical statement filed into the city. Burke revealed 2008 revenues above the $ 5,000 reporting threshold of each of 31 legal clients that do business with the city.
Burke has been criticized for alleged conflicts of interest involving his legal clients and his role as chairman of the Board's Finance Committee. Burke has helped raise millions of dollars in public subsidies for companies that then hire his company for property tax appeals. The legal client of Burke who regularly has legislative issues before the Financial Committee has included Ameritech communications companies, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Yellow Cab Company, and several major airlines and concessionaires at O'Hare and Midway airports owned by the city.
For example, Cotter and Company, the wholesale store for 6,000 True Value hardware stores, is looking for a public subsidy package to keep their headquarters and operations in Chicago. In February 1996, while the final components of the package worked their way through Town Hall, Burke visited Cotter's headquarters, at the end he distributed his business card from his private legal practice and asked for the property tax business. Cotter decided to hire Burke in March 1996 and complete the arrangement in June 1996. An unprecedented $ 2.8 million cash fund from City to Cotter, never published by the Daley administration, is included in a $ 20 million bond approved by The Finance Committee and the City Council on 31 July 1996.
Destruction and correction in polls recording
Burke resigned from voting on issues involving clients so often that he was called "Chicago's most contradictory alderman" by the Chicago Sun-Times . Burke abstained from at least a few votes in almost every Committee of Finance meeting.
In March 1997, a few weeks after hiring a defense lawyer for Valukus, and a few days after learning from the Chicago Sun-Times about their investigation into Burke's law firm and client, Burke used a rarely used movement to change the trial process. The City Council changed the abstention of four "yes" votes over the airport facility leasing for Midway and American airlines, two of Burke's seven airline clients. Burke blamed his "aye" voice recording on Alderman Thomas Cullerton, who heads the City Council Committee on Aviation, which reviews airport leases. Cullerton died in February 1993, three months before Burke gave one of the votes he changed. On July 2, 1997, the City Council meeting Burke changed to abstention on June 4, 1997, endorsing property tax cuts for another client, Heinemann Inc., a bakery in the 14th ward of Burke. Between 1993 and 1997, Burke made six journal corrections based on his judgment, some of which came from seven years ago, and accounted for more than half the corrections of all members during that period. In 2004, Burke changed the voice record to support a zoning change that benefited one of his clients, Centrum Properties.
Burke's corrections on the history of the vote were criticized by other aldermen and Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley. Daley suggested Burke was involved in a conflict of interest worthy of an investigation by the Illinois Prosecutor and the Commission for Discipline and the City Council of Ethics, and Daley advocated more strict rules on aldermanic conflict of interest. The conflict of interest Burke inspired the strengthening of the city's ethical law in October 1998. The Council passed the rules, 40-9. Burke chose "no" in the ballot, then switched to "yes" as a note.
Legislative Initiative
In October 1997, when Huels resigned in the SDI scandal, and amid Burke's resignation call, Burke sponsored a resolution that freed Kate O'Leary and Daisy, the cow from mistakes for the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The resolution cited a study that blamed fire. on O'Leary's neighbor, Daniel "Peg Leg" Sullivan. Burke argues in favor of the passing of the resolution,
In 1871, journalists, eager to experience the events of the Great Fire, were quickly found in Mrs. Kate O'Leary, a vulnerable scapegoat for inferno disasters. As a working-class immigrant and a woman, Kate O'Leary is an easy target for a publication that always feels comfortable to vilify unaccompanied Irish Catholics into the dominant middle-class culture in America.
The resolution was unanimously recommended by the City Police Committee and City Fire Committee on October 6, 1997 and was approved by the City Council on 28 October 1997. Other Burke's legislative initiatives include protecting non-smokers from passive smokers, who mandate pets. spay, and organize fatty restaurant meals.
Jerry Springer Hearing
In April 1999, Roman Catholic priest and activist Michael Pfleger, pastor of parish St. Sabina in Chicago's Auburn Gresham neighborhood, wrote a letter to Chicago Police Inspector Terry Hilliard complaining about violent breeding at The Jerry Springer Show, a popular television show produced in Chicago. Burke showed about ten minutes of clips from the show at the April 28, 1999, City Police and Fire Committee meeting and convinced the aldermen to invite, under the threat of a summons, show host Jerry Springer to testify under oath, whether the violence at the show was genuine or written. If written down, Burke proposes to force the show to obtain a city entertainment license, and, if genuine, Burke proposes that the unemployed Chicago police provide security at a fishing event that was fighting with the guests on set.
The trial attracted more than 21 television news crews from across the country, including Court TV, MSNBC, Fox News, a film crew from The Jerry Springer Show, dozens of printers, and about 75 Springer fans.. Burke led Springer's question. None of the aldermen asked Springer if the violence was staged for more than an hour in a three-hour trial. Springer, a former Cincinnati board member and mayor, spends most of his time arguing with Burke, and handles investigations.
Security details
Burke is the only member of the Chicago city council who has a Chicago police officer assigned to him as a bodyguard. In 1986, commander of Harold Washington police commander Fred Rice tried to reduce the number of Burke's bodyguards from four to two, on the basis that labor is no longer needed. Burke sued the city, arguing that it was political revenge. The court is on Burke's side. Rice removed almost all aldermanic bodyguards, but was blocked by court orders from taking on Vrdolyak and Burke's contingent. For nine months in 2005, details of the police assigned to city officials, city treasurers and Burke did not file a police report. Andy Shaw, president and chief executive of the watchdog group, the Better Government Association, asked,
This is a city that does not have enough money for basic services at the moment and does not have enough money to protect ordinary citizens. The question has to be asked if full-time bodyguard details for one unproven municipal council member are in any danger for more than two decades justified.
An unmarked Chicago police car was assigned to security details funded by the town of Burke. He is one of several aldermens who rent sports utility vehicles at taxpayers' expense.
Service duration
In November 2014, Burke surpassed John Coughlin as the longest alderman in Chicago's history. Coughlin, who had served since 1892 until his death in 1938, has held the record for 46 years.
Attempts in other public office
In 1980, Burke sought a Democratic nomination for the Cook County State Prosecutor. Burke is aligned with Mayor Jane Byrne and supported by the Cook District Democratic Central Committee. Burke's major loss to Richard M. Daley was interpreted at the time as a set-back for Chicago's political machine.
In 1988, after a sudden death at Harold Washington's Mayor's office, Burke was one of several candidates seeking to fill the void. "I know I want to be the Mayor, obviously that's the politics of the Super Bowl of Chicago," Burke said. After the poll showed declining support for his candidacy, he quit the race in December 1988 and supported Richard M. Daley, who won the Democratic primary nomination in February 1989.
Property tax attorney
Burke is a key partner at Chicago law firm, Klafter and Burke, who specialize in representing clients in property tax filings prior to Cook County Assessor's Office, the Cook County Board of Review, and in court. The company was successful in several "significant legal challenges" to the Illinois real estate law. The senior partner of Burke's law firm, Melvin Klafter, died on June 5, 1988 at the age of 73. The amount of taxes that Burke's company filed for clients with the Tax Appeals Board increased from 212 in 1982 to 1,876 in 1995. In 2002, Burke helped endorsed city regulations that prohibit the city from opposing property tax appeals seeking a reduction in property valuations under $ 1 million, which is mostly Burke's case. Between 2003 and 2013, the Burke company won over $ 18.1 million in property tax returns in Chicago.
In a 2006 interview, Burke reflected,
Good business law. I am fortunate to have the best of both worlds. I have enjoyed his political side and also enjoy my personal legal practice. Yes, there is temptation, [but] if you try to do yourself under the rules, in the long run you better.
Personal life
Burke's wife, Anne, has served as an Illinois Court of Appeals Court and was appointed Illinois High Court Judge on July 4, 2006. Burkes lives in the southwestern neighborhood of Chicago, Archer Heights, close to Curie Metropolitan High School and Pulaski Station of the CTA Orange Line. Their adult children are Jennifer, Edward, and Sarah. Jennifer is an attorney working in the Chicago City Legal Department under the guidance of Mayor Richard M. Daley's company and is now at the Illinois Pollution Control Agency. Edward M. Burke Jr. is the deputy chief assistant for Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart. In 2004, Burke's son, Emmett, aged 30, was killed in a snowmobile accident.
Burke's brother, Daniel J. Burke, is a member of the Illinois Representative Council of Illinois District 23, which includes the 14th ward, as well as lobbyists to the Chicago City Hall. Crain's Chicago Business in 2006 named Edward, Daniel, and Anne one of the "most influential families in Illinois" and in 2013 named Edward and Anne one of "15 clout-heavy clans" in Chicago.
Noted for his perfect conservative outfit and his attention to access, Burke was named "Best Dressed Alderman" in a 1981 review of aldermen by Chicago City Hall reporter Tribune. Burke is also a licensed private investigator in Illinois.
Baby T
In February 1996, Burkes became a foster parent for an African-American child, known publicly by his court name "Baby T," born to a woman suffering from a drug addiction. The child's mother, Tina Olison, a recovering addict, sued for custody of her son several times in a protracted, racially-charged court battle in court that attracted wide media attention. The lawsuit finally reached the Illinois State Supreme Court, which voted in favor of Burkes' rights in 2001.
- Burke, Edward M.; O'Gorman, Thomas J. (2006). End of Watch: Chicago Police Killed in Liability 1853-2006 . Chicago's Neighborhood, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-9788663-2-7.
- Sautter, R. Craig; Burke, Edward M. (1996). Inside Wigwam: Chicago Presidential Convention 1860-1996 . Loyola Press. ISBN: 978-0-8294-0911-6.
- Burke, Edward M. (March 22, 2002). "Crazy and anarchist: political murder in Chicago" (PDF) . Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology . Northwestern University Law School. 92 (3-4): 791-804 . Retrieved June 6, 2009 .
External links
- Edward M. Burke at the Chicago Municipal Legislative Information Center
- Klafter and Burke, Burke's law firm.
- Chicago Municipal Finance Committee
- Edward M. Burke interviewed End of Watch at Military Museum of Pritzker & amp; Library on April 17, 2008
- Alderman's Address Ed Burke Marks the 200th Anniversary of the Honorable Massacre on YouTube, the City Club of Chicago lunch video, June 18, 2012
- Archive of Ed Burke at Chicago Reader
- Edward M. Burke's article in the Chicago Tribune archive
- Archive of Ed Burke at Crain's Chicago Business
- Edward Burke Channel on YouTube
- Oral History with Edward Burke on YouTube in the Chicago Political Oral History Project from the Brief History Center of the Chicago History Museum
- Appearance in C-SPAN
Source of the article : Wikipedia